Commissions do not have to concern major projects to be interesting. It is for instance easy to relate to a small scale that corresponds with the size of the human body. Dealing with a small scale you can study particulars but also principles that could be applied to other, larger contexts. The bus shelter, a prototype for northern Sweden, was a small-scale job originating in a cooperation project between the bus company of the county of Norrbotten and the National Road Administration with the object of catering for people using public transport.
I started to consider the nature of bus stops, especially in the countryside, in thinly populated areas. I thought about the bus shelter as corresponding to the central stations and bus depots in big cities. This is where the journey to the rest of the world begins; this is the connection to an elsewhere. One of the preconditions that I had to work with was that the bus shelter should be built with logs. The reasons for this were that this is a very durable material, and that they wanted to support local handicraft and represent traditional building methods. I was pleased when I realized the potential of the material and of the local craftsmen. The method they used for joining the logs resulted in fairly flexible angles, not necessarily ninety-degree ones.