There was a delightful smell of sea in the summer air. We were checking the mounting of the installation by the seashore, which was dazzlingly white with lime shards. Some men from the National Administration of Shipping and Navigation were busy placing the buoys on the water. The sailors saw this as a nice break from their usual work, and they were in high spirits. They were stationed on an icebreaker which didn’t have a lot to do now in the middle of summer. For us this was the much longed-for tail end of an incredibly drawn-out project, our first really big one. Entirely without financing we had struggled to gain a hearing for an idea that we thought was brilliant. We wanted to visualise the extension of the projected bridge between Sweden and Denmark. To build or not to build a bridge – the debate was heated. The issue was politically charged. We did not take up a stand; instead we wanted to focus on the locations of the projected bridge abutments and the 17-kilometre-long span of space and water between the two coastlines. Our aim was to concretise, to transfer the abstract issues and debates to the real world. All we wanted to achieve was a staking-out saying “These are the places that are being discussed”. Our intentions were misinterpreted; everybody who was in favour of the bridge thought that the installation was directed against the bridge, and everybody who was against it thought that the installation was in favour of the bridge. Just as we were really close to giving up we got sponsoring from both sides. The installation took the form of two big Xs in the water, one on the Swedish side and one on the Danish side. But everybody continued to interpret the Xs; this time, however, in favour of their own views. The buoys were knifed by the naysayers after those in favour put up a big billboard with information and propaganda nearby. They remained under water for a whole summer.