‘Silver Tree’ is placed outside the cultural centre in Luleå in the north of Sweden, a big, beautiful house partly built of wood in the middle of an area with smelters for iron from the big mine in Kiruna. A heavily trafficked street runs past the building. The pavement is narrow; the traffic dominates the street. The silver tree is like a mutant in stainless steel which has adapted to the local materials and the narrow space in the busy street. It rests on its on root-end, ready to leave if necessary. It shines as brightly as the chromium on the cars passing by. It’s easy to clean, and falling leaves are no problem. It is an image of a tree, a monument dedicated to the tree and the memory of a tree and a homage to the cultural centre. Reflecting the surrounding area and its light, it is both elusive and very much present. The Silver Tree is an object adapted to a special site; its interacting with the site and at the same time it’s having an effect on it.